maandag 22 juli 2013, 19-21 uur
Online debat olv Anne de Boer met het Amsterdamse kunstenaarscollectief Hard-Core; RSVP
donderdag 25 juli 2013, 19-21 uur
Internet Culture as Practice, rondgang en open discussie; RSVP
donderdag 01 augustus 2013, 19-21 uur
Reading Emails, presentatie en discussie; RSVP
Nota Bene
gaandeweg het project vinden mogelijk nog verdere activiteiten plaats; informatie daarover vindt u op de website van NEW: ART CENTER.
Deze zomer te gast bij HET PLAFOND is NEW: ART CENTER uit Polen. Drijvende krachten zijn kunsthistoricus en curator Romuald Demidenko (1985; Zielona Góra/Polen), beeldend kunstenaar Gregor Rozanski (1988; Berlin/BRD) en Debora Delmar (1986; Mexico City/Mexico). Zij beschrijven NEW: ART CENTER als “a multifaceted pop-up aimed at art research and development.” Doel is om met kunstenaars en kunstcritici, niet alleen uit Polen maar van over de hele wereld, een gesprek aan te gaan over de positie van eigentijdse kunst. Centraal daarbij staan vier vragen:
What is the future of art?
What is the future of art institutions?
What is the future of art education?
What is the future of art production after Internet?
‘IS IT ART OR IS IT JUST’ is een project-in-progress, waarbij de uitkomst of het visuele resultaat niet tevoren vaststaan – en juist mede afhankelijk is van de inbreng van de participanten. Ook u kunt bijdragen aan het project door online te reageren op de ‘Questionnaire’ (zie ook hieronder).
‘IS IT ART OR IS IT JUST’ is a project aimed at exploring references between parallel artistic and curatorial practices adapted by contemporary art, conceived by an emerging platform for young artists and curators NEW: ART CENTER in conjunction with HET PLAFOND. We asked several contributors about their own practices as seen from the perspective of the future. The exhibition will also be accompanied by a series of collateral events and a publication released online.
The Internet is getting more and more influential in terms of art production and its presentation. Every day young professionals publicize infinite numbers of new works by uploading them to their blogs or posting them via social networks. At the same time the boundary between various fields of visual arts becomes ever more blurred. This allows a wider audience to be reached, but for some reason, the new positions of emerging artists might be seen, rather, as a danger to the respected statuses of art professionals and institutions; at least they provoke a remodelling of established roles within the art world.
‘IS IT ART OR IS IT JUST’ – Contributions
Bcc, Andrew Birk, Billy Gallery, Sebastian Cichocki, Gerardo Contreras, Martyn Richard Coppel, Debora Delmar Corporation, Guia Cortassa, Manuel Forte, HARD-CORE, Maria Lanko, Perla Montelongo, Museum of Internet, Kubiat Nnamdie, Wyatt Niehaus, Travis Edgey (Pictureplane), Karolina Plinta, Gregor Rozanski, Lauren Reid, Manuel Solano, Johannes Thumfart, Upominki, Guus Vreeburg – and you?
‘IS IT ART OR IS IT JUST’ – Questionnaire
Due to our new project, aimed at exploring references between parallel artistic and curatorial practices adapted by contemporary art, we would like to ask you for a modest contribution to the textual part of ‘IS IT ART OR IS IT JUST’. It will also feature at the exhibition and in an online catalog afterwards.
We are inviting several contributors within various fields of visual arts to ask them about their own practice seen from a future perspective. We would be very happy if you, too, would be able to respond to the following questions:
What is the future of art?
What is the future of art institutions?
What is the future of art education?
What is the future of art production after Internet?
Your reactions can be as long as you wish. They can be spontaneous or analytical, emotional or purely rational. You may use this online form. Our deadline is August 01, 2013.
2012Rozanski,Gregor_TFT-project-gradient based on colors of tublr, facebook and twitter logotypes.jpg
Gregor Rozanski (1988). TFT-project-gradient based on colors of Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter logotypes, 2013
vrijdag 19 juli 2013, 19-21 uur
opening ‘IS IT ART OR IS IT JUST’ – organisator Romuald Demidenko is daarbij aanwezig
maandag 22 juli 2013, 19-21 uur
online debat met het Amsterdamse collectief Hard-Core (, moderator: Anne de Boer; RSVP
Hard-Core is an Amsterdam based artist initiative that operates as a non-hierarchical and non-authoritarian organization. The group develops curatorial methods that objectify preferential aspects of exhibition making.
donderdag 25 juli 2013, 19-21 uur
Internet Culture as Practice, guided tour and open discussion; RSVP
Internet Culture as Practice is a presentation conducted by Romuald Demidenko, curator of the project ‘IS IT ART OR IS IT JUST’, featuring significant and marginal features of contemporary art production.
donderdag 01 augustus 2013, 19-21 uur
Reading Emails, presentation and discussion; RSVP
Reading Emails is a public presentation featuring results of the project ‘IS IT ART OR IS IT JUST’, plus a panel discussion with several gallerists and curators based in Rotterdam.
‘IS IT ART OR IS IT JUST’ – Selected artists
Andrew Birk (1985)
Debora Delmar Corporation (1986)
Gregor Rozanski (1988)
Manuel Solano (1987)
Information New: Art Center / ‘IS IT ART OR IS IT JUST’
Romuald Demidenko: + 48 7 2142 2558